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~ L ~

As a challenge Aliy and Robin attempted to back through the L. This was Aliy's first try at the L and it is probably the most complicated feat she has completed so far. Aliy is only 10 months old in this video so we think she is pretty amazing.

Personality wise, Aliy has a tendency to rush obstacles, because she enjoys them. So she was walked through the L twice, forward, to help her understand she would need to slow down and think. This exercise was just an experiment, not expected to be perfect, although a good attempt was anticipated. Aliy rarely, if ever, is asked to work with this amount of mental focus and earned herself a few days of relaxation afterwards.

If possible we hope to link spread sheet from Aliy’s Training Log to the Aliyah Website, so those interested can check out what Aliy has learned in the few months she has been here. Additionally, If we can record everything on video we hope to compile a movie, for Aliy’s 1st Birthday in April, of all the things Aliy has learned.

In the meantime, for this video, the following is a short list of the cues Aliy uses to complete the L.

Physical cues, done softly.

Lift up on halter = move front legs

Pull down on halter = move rear legs

Shake halter = back

Whip taps assist direction

Vocal cues also support direction:

Kiss = move toward me

Cluck = move away from me

Aaattt = can be translated: think about. This sound is not a correction. For a correction we use the word: Phooey, something Aliy doesn’t hear very often.

Feel free to comment if you would like to know why we do things the way we do, using the cues we do.

Update: June 25, 2015

Aliy’s been working on several different things. She loves obstacles. She does the teeter-totter and will also back up onto the bridge, about an 8 inch step up. Today she did the L pretty much on voice cues. We’ve only worked on the actual L once in since the first time but we have worked on different components of the L at other time in small sets.

I have to admit the L isn’t one of Aliy’s favorites so we won’t do it too often but she still did a fantastic job.

There may be an extreme obstacle course we can rent nearby. I look forward to taking Aliy there and having some fun if we can.


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