​Aliyah Farms.... Lippitt Morgans & one Appaloosa
Planned for 2025
Two foals due in July 2025
#1. Gender checked filly - available in-utero
#2. foal gender is undetermined due to activity level
Foal #1
Pure Lippitt Foal
Gender Check: Filly (Vet verified via Ultrasound)
Due sometime in July of 2025.
Filly is available in utero - $5000
(Deposit to hold, then final payment due at weaning.
Weaning is estimated to be sometime between
Nov 2025 and Feb 2o26 depending on the dam and filly)
We added IC to our family specifically for breeding to Sunshine.
He did a great job and again in a single cover.
Devine Top Gun Iceman
Pure Lippitt Morgan
Height test predicts 15.1 hands
Yes breeding IC to Sunshine was our ultimate plan however we hadn't planned to do so until IC was older. Yet when we decided to breed Aliy with IC we wanted to be sure he could be as careful as possible. Therefore we chose to breed to Sunshine first and see how IC behaved. We couldn't have been happier with him. He is truly a special well behaved boy.
This boy is as sweet as can be and actually has become even easier to handle since having covered a mare. IC is in training for driving, with plans for Combine Driving. He regularly does Liberty and knows several tricks that he likes to show off. Other than being a breeding stallion we hope to have him shown in ranch work by a professional once he is older and if time allows we would like to do some endurance with him as well.
Aliyah Heavenly Sunshine
Pure Lippitt Morgan
14.3 hands
Sunshine's pedigree is one of a kind. Linebred Royalton Ashbrook Darling her pedigree opens up the possibilities for breeding while keeping the in-breeding coefficient low. Several Lippitt Foundation horses are in her 4th & 5th generation (Croydon Prince, Ethan Allen 3rd, Nancy, Bridget, and Trilby).
Sunshine is a strong mare that loves having a job. She isn't too keen on playing but she is a favorite to many visitors as she wants all their attention for herself. She is quite serious about her work and is a copy of her dam (Who is a great, mountain trail & endurance horse, now living with Carol Dzindzio, TOV Morgans / Clair Wagner, Ute MT Morgans, in California). Sunshine's sire is Equinox Beaubrook a sire of champion driving as well as accomplished endurance horses.
Foal Statistics
Due date: July 13, 2025
8-Generation Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI): 5.824%
Number of unique ancestors in 9 generations (236 / 1023) = 23.07%
Number of unique ancestors in generation 9 (145 / 512) = 28.32%
​Foal Color: Bay 100%, with or without white marking. PSSM1 Clear
Parents are DNA tested and clear of any health concerns.
Foal will also be DNA tested for health and color prior to weaning.
Full Lippitt Filly due July 2025
Foal #2
Pure Lippitt Foal
Foal was too active to get a good gender check but the vet leans to colt.
So we will just have to wait and see like in the old days.
Due sometime in July of 2025.
foal availability will be determined at a later date
Devine Top Gun Iceman
Pure Lippitt Morgan
Height test predicts 15.1 hands
FSF Aliyah Venturen Grace
Pure Lippitt Morgan
Height 14.3 hands
After encouragement from our vet and several knowledgeable Lippitt people we decided to cover Aliy (see foal #2) with IC. We were hesitant since IC is young but I have to say since being allowed to cover he has become even better to handle than he was before. This boy is wonderful in everyway.
This boy is as sweet as can be and actually has become even easier to handle since having covered a mare. IC is in training for driving, with plans for Combine Driving. He regularly does Liberty and knows several tricks that he likes to show off. Other than being a breeding stallion we hope to have him shown in ranch work by a professional once his is older and if time allows we would like to do some endurance.
FSF Aliyah Venturn Grace is a full Lippitt mare that has always been described as the most gentle mare. She is highly confident, friendly, fun loving, not pushy and very smart. Everyone that has ever met her has fallen in love with her. ​​
Aliy was injured in a traffic accident ending her career in combine driving and western dressage. She is no longer ridable nor drivable due to some paralysis in her left rear leg. So she now does Liberty work and loves meeting people especially people new to the equestrian world.
Foal Statistics
Due date: July 15, 2025
8-Generation Coefficient of Inbreeding (COI): 2.0405%
Number of unique ancestors in 9 generations (226 / 1023) = 22.09%
Number of unique ancestors in generation 9 (108 / 512) = 21.09%
Foal Color: Bay 75% or Chestnut 25%, We are expecting some white. PSSM1 Clear.
Parents are DNA tested and clear of any health concerns.
Foal will also be DNA tested for health and color prior to weaning.
For More information
Phone or text - 970-576-0873
Email - AliyahMorgans@gmail.com
We will accept a deposit with a contract and finial payment due at weaning.
Foals are weaned based on their disposition
no earlier than 4 months and generally around 6 months of age.
Foals receive lots of love and care. Learning handling, ground skills, trailer loading, and more.
Buyers are encouraged to visit.