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Party Entertainment

Aliy was one of two horses invited to the local Lowe’s Employee Appreciation Party as part of their theme “Western Days”. There was loud music, new people and food. We had a great time. The party was behind the store where store operations were still going on, several big trucks, tractors, and forklifts moving stuff around. A wonderful learning opportunity for a young filly.

One of the party organizers attempted to set up a mister for the horses, since it had turned into a hot day. Aliy didn’t care a whole lot about the mister but enjoyed the larger spray created when a big truck drove over the hose and the hose burst. She was able to walk through the spray twice before the organizers were able to shut off the water.

Several people posed and had their pictures taken with the horses and Aliy’s friend Socks, an older Quarter Horse, gave some of the employees a ride. Sock’s owner, an employee at the Lowe’s, arranged for us to be able to attend the party. We stayed about two hours employees were able to join the party in shifts over their lunch hour.

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